Events Calendar

Event Title: MENGO Green Hunt 2011
25-Jun-2011 to 25-Jun-2011 Past Event
Venue: The Weld Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur
Organizer: Malaysian Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (MENGO)

"It keeps Green, Green and Green."

Malaysian Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (MENGO), a network of 17 organisations that involved in sustainable development and environmental protection, will be organising its 3rd annual Walk n Hunt event which is also known as MENGO GREEN HUNT 2011. This year’s event will be bigger and more meaningful as it is also the 10th anniversary of MENGO coalition.

MENGO GREEN HUNT is held annually every June in celebration of World Environment Month. It is the first big scale public treasure hunt event in Malaysia that promotes green living and low carbon footprint. In conjunction with MENGO 10th anniversary celebration, it will be on 25th June 2011, which will be showcasing environmental causes by our 17 members and the Walk n Hunt.

This hunt will have a low impact on the environment and it promotes a low ecological footprint. It focused mainly on sustainable transport with a zero waste production (by foot, bus and rail). The adopted approaches and executions of the hunt are based on use of recyclable items, educational questions and exemplary green practices.
